onsdag 9 juli 2014

Israelisk Apartheid mot Palestinier - Grafik och Färgbilder - så t.o.m."media-presstitutes" fattar

Webbsajten "Visualizing Palestine" har framställt ett antal grafiska presentationer som visar upp hur apartheidstaten Israel diskriminerar Palestinier. Barn från 5 år med lite kunskap i engelska fattar säkert sånt här utan större problem. Om svensk media höjer kraven på sina "presstituerade" journalister så fattar kanske de också? ...Annars kan de alltid fråga någon 5-åring i närheten...

Life in Gaza Explained


Avslöjat: - Hur medielögnerna fungerar. 
*Palestinas förlorade land 1946-2000

Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images

Source: Global Research, July 07, 2014
All the graphics are from the site Visualizing Palestine, a site dedicated to creating informative and impactful graphics about the occupied region. Check out many more of these images on their site...
Se bilderna i originalstorlek här:
Visualizing Palestine
Global Research

1. The Forced Exile of The Palestinian People

2. Maintenance of the Occupation

3.  Continued Displacement and Destruction

4. A Pattern of Violence and Aggression

5. Illegal Detention

6, 7 & 8. Segregation of Resources

9 & 10. Segregation of Travel

11. The Wall

Visualizing Palestine
Global Research
Israelisk Apartheid mot Palestinier - Grafik och Färgbilder - så t.o.m."medie-presstitutes" fattar

1 kommentar:

  1. Palestinians subjected to apartheid treatment

    July 16, 2014

    At the moment, the world is watching in horror as Israel is conducting the latest stage in its seemingly endless and relentless campaign of extermination aimed at the population of the Gaza strip.
    That little piece of land (counting a grand total of 360 km² or a landmass smaller than the tiny Isle of Man possessing a whopping 572 km²) has been turned into an "open air prison" for 1.657 million Palestinians unable to leave or hide. The majority of the mainstream media across the globe, in contrast, appears willfully unaware of the actual circumstances on the ground and publicly supports Israel's "right to defend itself".[...]




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